Science unscripted

Show Info

Show Times

Timezone: EDT [UTC-4]
6:00 am - 6:29 am
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About the Show

Science unscripted brings you science stories that will actually change your day — and maybe make you laugh. Science unscripted is a podcast, radio show & YouTube channel driven by listeners. Hello from Germany 🙂

We’re Gabe and Conor, two US science journalists based in the heart of Europe at Germany’s international news broadcaster, DW. Since Germany borders nine countries (yes, nine!), we can get to new places quickly and connect you with science stories and researchers you won’t hear about anywhere else. That means you’ll get a glimpse of what life is actually like in Europe, and from the perspective of people who actually live there.

We want to know what you’re thinking about. We read every single message our listeners send (even the insane ones), and we do our best to reply to them, either via email or by reading them out on the air. Those messages change the show. Really.

So. What else is there to say?

Well, we obviously hope that you listen in and give us a favorable review at some point.

More importantly, we hope some of the things you hear on Science unscripted will actually make your day (or even life?) ever-so-slightly better.

That’s it. That’s what we’re aiming for with Science unscripted.

World In Progress is produced in Bonn, Germany by DW.

Sundays from 6:00 to 6:30 a.m.

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